Category Archives: ISIP updates

My Hijab

The 1st of February marks the recognition and celebration of a beautiful aspect of our Faith. World Hijab Day highlights an integral part of a Muslim woman’s life. The Hijab is a unique and distinct manner of presenting ourselves as women in Islam, showing a complete image of total obedience to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) by implementing His (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) command by covering our hair and entire body. The hijab conveys modesty paired with obedience. It is a reminder to our wider society how love for The Divine should be an integral and central pillar in our lives making us successful not just in this world but also in the hereafter. The Hijab is an honour bestowed upon Muslim women to elevate them and a means of gaining proximity to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala)  This is only one honour on top of the many honours that are personal to women.  So, in celebrating World Hijab Day we are showing gratitude for our Blessing of Hijab and we recognise we are not lowered or weaker in society due to wearing a hijab.  In fact, we are empowered, elevated and stronger since we are seeking the pleasure of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) and nothing less.  The Hijab is a physical manifestation of this yearning and seeking.  It does not lower us or oppress us. On the contrary, it lifts us higher and ennobles us.  It is crucial that we recognise this when we wear our hijabs and we actively engage in society in various roles..  We are recognized as being a Muslimah, a Mominah and among those who try to embody our faith externally and internally.  May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) allow us to implement the beauty of the Hijab entirely with confidence and love. Ameen. Thoughts; please share your reflection in three words …What does the Hijab mean to you?Obedience, love, beauty  Key terms: Allah – Arabic term for GodSubhanahu wa ta’ala – Arabic term for Glorifying GodHijab – an Arabic term usually for the head covering Muslimah – Arabic term for a Muslim womenMominah – Arabic term for a believing Muslim women


International Student of Islamic Psychology (ISIP) prides itself as an open space to connect people with diverse backgrounds interested in Islamic Psychology through knowledge sharing, awareness creation and reaching global audiences. Working towards the development of a global standard practice for Islamic Psychology (IP) and increasing the awareness for academic research and studies.  In addition to our various online platforms of engagement, the blog aims to reach unique audiences and to serve as a confluence for people of varying backgrounds and experience to benefit each other thereby increasing the awareness and knowledge of Islamic Psychology in an informal manner. The ISIP BLOG Team will share: first-hand experiences of Muslims attending therapy (patients who have been treated by a Muslim mental health practitioners whether practicing IP or not, or a non-Muslim practioners) reflections and knowledge exchange from Muslim practitioners in mental health (to better understand and appreciate various approaches to Islamic Psychology) Review of books relevant to IP from Traditional scholarship and recent academic research studies and much more… We look forward to receiving articles with content from the categories mentioned above and publishing your brilliant thoughts on the ISIP blog page. It is an opportunity for everyone one to share, learn and connect with like minds through readership and thereby contributing to the development of Islamic Psychology.  For those who may not be able to put down their ideas or experience in writing a request for an interview with the blog team to transcribe and publish their thoughts is available. For article submissions or requests for an interview, please contact us via email at: