Author Archives: ISIP Blogger


A typical day for Aisha often involves discussions with her friends. One day, the question which was sprung upon everyone was quite unexpected. Her friends opined,  “What’s the purpose of honesty and goodness when the bad people are gaining more in this world?” While it was hard for Aisha to produce some tangible answer on […]

Nafs (Soul or Self) In Islamic Psychology

This is the fourth component of Islamic Psychology. The concept of the nafs (often translated as “soul” or “self”) is central to understanding the human experience. The nafs is seen as the essence of a person and it is believed to be a complex and multifaceted aspect of the human being. There are several different […]

Role of Shariah in Islamic Psychology

By Abubakar Haruna This is the third component of Islamic psychology. The Islamic law known as Shariah plays a very important and central role in directing the behaviour and beliefs of Muslims.  Shariah is a central concept in Islamic psychology that provides guidance and structure for individuals seeking to live fulfilling and meaningful life. By […]

Importance of Tauhid in Islamic Psychology

by Abubakar Haruna Tawhid is a fundamental concept in Islamic psychology that refers to the oneness of Allah and the belief that everything in the universe is connected to Allah (SWT). Tawhid is derived from the Arabic word “wahid” which means one. It is one of the central concepts of Islamic theology, philosophy and it […]

Human Complexities And Experiences

By Abdul Azeez Tunbosun Reminiscing on some real-life incidents has helped me understand, in a practical sense, humans and the way we operate. The difference between knowing facts about something and directly witnessing or experiencing the thing can be likened to Robots and Humans. The former do not have soulful senses (to listen, touch, smell […]

RAMADAN – The Real Race!

by Yousra ElhawaryIf athleticism is defined as “the physical qualities that are characteristic of athletes, such as strength, fitness, and agility” and athletes as “persons proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise”  then one must wonder if it is necessary to compete to become an athlete.  Many would argue that competition is an […]