In the year 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, Allah* in His Great wisdom showed us the reality of the words in the Quran : Truly where there is hardship there is also ease. (94:6). Our organization grew organically out of digital conversations and mutual interest of people from around the world connecting through various Islamic Psychology events. These connections would have been largely impossible without the pandemic and imposed restrictions across the globe regarding traveling. Conferences that were previously in-person, became available to a larger audience through new digital platforms. People who felt isolated in their own respective places discovered others with similar passions and collectively we drew upon each other’s knowledge and interests and uncovered treasures by resource sharing over social media platforms. Previous to ISIP, individuals were well-intentioned to try and implement into their practice and understanding an Islamic approach to psychology, but largely were trying to bridge the dissonance between Western psychology and Islamic Psychology on their own. 

ISIP was formed to provide an organized way to build upon the movement and create an enduring place for these growing connections and resources.

We ask Allah Most High for Tawfiq (Success). 

Co-founders of ISIP, 

Seyed Jamaluddin Behrang Miri, (Malmö, Sweden)

Fatima Ahmad (Toronto, Canada)

Name: ISIP stands for International Students of Islamic Psychology. The word ‘students’ is derived from the spirit and etymology of the Arabic word for student, ‘Talib طالب’ – to be a seeker of knowledge. ISIP is a place for us all to learn and grow. At ISIP our members include Professors, Ph.D candidates and well-experienced clinicians who are also seekers of knowledge and ‘students’. As an international organization we have members from across the globe and offer some of our initiatives in different languages. 

Logo: In our logo we have in Kufic Arabic script the main components that form the basis of the holistic approach to Islamic Psychology. Starting at the top and moving clockwise we have four arabic words Ruh (soul), Qalb (heart), Nafs (lower self), and Aql (mind + heart consciousness). These four words are connected and together form the basis of the human soul. This logo is inspired by the works and models as explained in Dr. Abdallah Rothman and Adrian Coyle’s article, “Toward a Framework for Islamic Psychology and Psychotherapy: An Islamic Model of the Soul,” as well as Dr. Rasjid Skinner’s article,

“What is Islamic Psychology?”

Where we are from?

ISIP members are a microcosm of the Ummah (community) from all over the world. We have over 80 countries in our Social Media outreach, 30 countries represented in our ISIP Strategic team, and our Advisory Board is comprised of distinguished scholars from 8 different countries. Our international diversity is one of our strengths that can benefit the local communities and all parts of the Ummah.

Core Values

ISIP strives in all of our online interactions and spaces to embody our Core Values.