
  • Multiple Groups on Islamic Psychology (for information and resource sharing and 
  • Telegram/Signal on Islamic Psychology
  • Discussion Group

Educational Initiatives: Book club/Halaqas/ International Lectures

  1. Kalimatun Tayyiba Book Club/Text Reflections
  2. Bi-monthly Live lectures with scholars on topics related to Islamic Psychology 

Previous topics have included: 

  • Gaza Mental Health 
  • Tribute to Professor Malik Badri 
  • Basic Framework of Tazkiya Therapy
  • Developing a Model of Islamic Psychology and Psychotherapy

3. Courses: 3 or 5 series programs in Islamic Psychology 

Digital Library

Access and conduct research. The ISIP Digital Library in English has over 1000 resources curated on topics related to Islamic Psychology. Our resources have been tagged by topics for easier searching and include Book Titles, Articles and Videos. 

Support / Networking

  1. ISIP Chai, Monthly Group Discussion Meeting for Islamic Psychology Discussions and Support (open to Men and Women)
  2. Supervision for Mental Health Practitioners– Peer and Mentorship with Islamic Psychologist and Practitioner for professionals seeking to implement Islamic Psychology into practice. Pilot Program underway.

Contact us:
